AFTER SCHOOL is a learning program designed for the Visual Arts and Design students in Iași. Structured as a series of interactive activities, AFTER SCHOOL aims at producing possibilities for learning that would work on two levels, both individually and collectively, contributing towards building or recovering the community of students and towards mobilizing their interaction based on their personal directions and study interests. The program proposes the exploration of themes that are only accidentally found in the curricula of art schools in Romania, through exercises of team work, debates, screenings and analyzes of contemporary texts or artistic practices, in the form of a free class. Seen as a whole, the role of the program is to constitute an access path between the limitative academic environment and the alert rhythm of everyday life, by searching, through self-organization, to institute an active identity of the art student.
AFTER SCHOOL is a learning program designed for the Visual Arts and Design students in Iași. Structured as a series of interactive activities, AFTER SCHOOL aims at producing possibilities for learning that would work on two levels, both individually and collectively, contributing towards building or recovering the community of students and towards mobilizing their interaction based on their personal directions and study interests. The program proposes the exploration of themes that are only accidentally found in the curricula of art schools in Romania, through exercises of team work, debates, screenings and analyzes of contemporary texts or artistic practices, in the form of a free class. Seen as a whole, the role of the program is to constitute an access path between the limitative academic environment and the alert rhythm of everyday life, by searching, through self-organization, to institute an active identity of the art student.
The program was initiated in 2011 by theartstudent.org. In 2013 a second edition is taking place from March to May and it is open for all students who are interested in participating at the meetings.
AFTER SCHOOL takes place once a week in the building of the Faculty of Visual Arts and Design Iași.
To see images from the events, take a look at theartstudent's Facebook page.
program coordinator: Luminița Apostu
volunteers: Alexandra Budianu, Ionuț Toma
A project supported by tranzit.ro/ Iași
Recommended by the Art History and Theory Department at the Faculty of Visual Arts and Desgn, Iași
AFTER SCHOOL este un program de învățare adresat studenților Facultății de Arte Vizuale și Design din Iași. Formulat pe structura unei serii de activități interactive, programul AFTER SCHOOL vizează producerea și punerea în funcțiune a unor modalități de învățare care să funcționeze pe două nivele, atât individual cât și colectiv, contribuind la construirea sau refacerea comunității de studenți și la mobilizarea interacționării între aceștia conform direcțiilor și intereselor proprii de studiu. Programul propune explorarea unor teme care nu se regăsesc decât accidental în curricula facultăților de arte din România, prin exerciții de lucru în echipă, dezbateri, vizionări de material video și analize asupra unor texte sau practici artistice actuale, în formatul unor întâlniri de tip free class. Văzut în ansamblu, rolul programului este acela de a constitui o cale de acces între mediul academic limitativ și ritmul alert al vieții cotidiene, căutând, prin auto-organziare, să instituie o identitate activă a studentului la arte.
Programul a fost inițiat în 2011 de către theartstudent.org. În 2013 are loc a doua ediție în perioada martie - mai, fiind deschis tututor studenților interesați să participe la întâlniri.
AFTER SCHOOL are loc o dată pe săptămână în clădirea Facultății de Arte Vizuale și Design din Iași.
Pentru a vedea imagini de la întâlniri accesați pagina de Facebook theartstudent.org.
coordonator proiect: Luminița Apostu
voluntari: Alexandra Budianu, Ionuț Toma
Un proiect sprijinit de tranzit.ro/ Iași
Recomandat de departamentul de Istoria și Teoria Artei al Facultății de Arte Vizuale și Design, Iași
We are truly grateful to artists Liliana Basarab and Costel Chirila who have created the original and ludic font Le Pop Truded which is now showcased as the AFTER SCHOOL logo.